Why This Company Interview Question And Answer. Though it seems like an easy interview question to answer, many interviewers will ask, "Why do you want to work here?" or "Why would you like to work If you research the company, you can talk about the mutual benefits of employment with this company and better answer this question when the. Why this Company is a common interview question.
Remember, being interviewed is a skill, and. The company doing the interview wants to know why you are applying for a job with them. So, why do interviewers ask this question?
How to answer this interview question.
Many interview questions and answers seek to evaluate whether or not a job is a good fit for a candidate.
In this guide, we'll show you how to best answer the why-this-company type of interview question. When answering this question, be cautious: The company you're interviewing with doesn't want to hire someone who is petty. As mentioned, the two key angles in this question are your interest in the company/industry and your interest in the job.