What Is Educational Attainment Example. Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that an individual has completed. A doctorate is a general degree category from which many specific programs of study fall.
Educational technology examples are several that bring knowledge to the people making them knowledgeable. Specifically, the study measures how attaining various levels of. What is the educational attainment of Saturnina Mercado Rizal?" It is the highest level of educational attainment.
Recent Examples on the Web These disparities remain despite women having overtaken men in educational attainment.
Education is vital for a highly skilled and productive labor force.
I could see it in corporate training, in coaching, even when teaching a preschooler how to In that setting, you feed examples and non-examples to an algorithm to train it on what is a "yes" or a "no" example, so that. Her scientific attainments have made her quite well-known in the field of biology. Lower educational attainment likely affects health both through a higher-stress lifestyle and through material deprivation.